8 月 13 國際石雕創作營徵件【Tuwaiq Sculpture 2025】
Tuwaiq Sculpture 是一年一度的雕塑研討會,匯聚本地和國際藝術家,在現場創作公共藝術品。透過研討會、學校參觀和講座等互動項目,圖瓦克雕塑吸引了不同的社區並促進了文化交流。研討會在現場展覽中達到高潮,雕塑豐富了利雅德藝術收藏,後來成為沙烏地阿拉伯首都城市結構的永久特色。
Tuwaiq Sculpture 是一個當地和國際藝術家在現場會面、合作和創作大型公共藝術品的平台。研討會的開放形式讓大眾能夠觀察創作過程,參與互動工作坊,討論公共藝術的歷史和未來,有效地豐富了沙烏地阿拉伯王國的文化景觀。自成立以來,Tuwaiq Sculpture 已與 90 多位世界知名雕塑家和數千名參觀者進行了交流。它是利雅德藝術公共倡議的一個組成部分,旨在將這座城市變成一個沒有圍牆的畫廊。透過該項目,超過 1,000 件藝術品將在利雅德各地的社區、公園和公共場所展出,提升利雅德作為可持續發展和生活品質世界頂級城市的地位,符合沙烏地阿拉伯王國的 2030 年願景。
Tuwaiq Sculpture
Tuwaiq Sculpture is an annual sculpture symposium that brings local and international artists together to create public artworks in a live setting. Through an interactive program of workshops, school visits, and talks, Tuwaiq Sculpture engages diverse communities and bolsters cultural exchanges. The symposium culminates in an on-site exhibition, with the sculptures enriching the Riyadh Art collection and later becoming a permanent feature of the Saudi capital’s urban fabric.
Tuwaiq Sculpture is a platform where local and international artists meet, collaborate, and create large-scale public artworks in a live setting. The open format of the symposium allows the public to observe the creative process, participate in interactive workshops, and discuss the history and future of public art, effectively contributing to the enrichment of the cultural scene in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Since its inception, Tuwaiq Sculpture has engaged with over 90 world-renowned sculptors and thousands of visitors. It is an integral part of the Riyadh Art public initiative, which aims to transform the city into a gallery without walls. Through the project, more than 1,000 artworks will be displayed across Riyadh, in neighborhoods, parks, and public spaces, elevating its status as a top city in the world for sustainability and quality of life, in line with the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia’s Vision 2030.
經過嚴格的審查過程,30 位本地和國際雕塑家將被邀請參加研討會,他們將在現場創作大型雕塑,這些雕塑採用沙烏地阿拉伯產的三種不同顏色的花崗岩製成。
有關參與 Tuwaiq Sculpture 的更多詳細信息,請參閱藝術家公開徵集邀請文檔,該文檔可以在本頁的相關連結部分中找到。
Tuwaiq Sculpture 2025 將於 1 月至 2 月在沙烏地阿拉伯利雅德舉行。
Application is now open for artists around the world, with at least five years of experience in sculpting and exhibiting, in outdoor spaces and galleries. Artists are invited to send their proposals in response to the curatorial theme ‘From Then to Now‘.
Following a rigorous review process, 30 local and international sculptors will be invited to participate in the symposium, where they will create large scale sculptures in a live setting, made from Saudi-sourced granite of three different colors.
Participating artists will be invited to stay in Riyadh throughout the creation period, as well as being provided with materials, tools and assistants. In addition to an artist fee, the program offers all expenses, including accommodation and a return flight for international artists.
Further details about participating in Tuwaiq Sculpture are in the Artist Open Call Invitation document, which can be found in the Related Links section on this page.
To apply please fill out the application form at the bottom of the official link page.
Tuwaiq Sculpture 2025 will take place from January to February, in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.
藝術家公開徵集邀請文檔 Artist Open Call Invitation document:https://riyadhart.sa/wp-content/uploads/2024/08/Artist_Invitation_TS2025_EN.pdf