10 月 14 2024 第15屆國際袖珍雕塑展暨雕塑創作研究生國際論壇「思考的拋物線」
誠摯邀請蒞臨「2024 第15屆國際袖珍雕塑展」暨「雕塑創作研究生國際論壇『思考的拋物線』」聯合開幕茶會暨頒獎典禮。
「2024 第15屆國際袖珍雕塑展」
2024年10月30日至 11月9日
國立臺灣藝術大學 雕塑學系 1F大視廳教室、B1綜合教室
今年論壇主題「思考的拋物線」,從雕塑傳統對於「物」的觀照出發,但更指向了創作背後的思考軌跡,期待創作者透過不同方式為思考賦形,拋擲出當代雕塑新的可能性。論壇包含六個場次,主題各為「材質與造形 」、「繪畫性與觸覺意象 」、「身體與自我形象」、「幻想與具身性」、「物質、行為與觀念」與「文化圖像與物件」。兩場「綜合討論」則集合各學院內雕塑領域教師,針對發表內容進行評論回應。
The Young Sculptors Forum is jointly initiated and organized by the Sculpture Department of the National Taiwan University of Arts (NTUA) and the Faculty of Art and Design at Tama Art University (TAU). This two-day forum invites master’s students specializing in sculpture from higher education institutions across various Asian countries to gather, present their works, share creative ideas through oral presentations, and engage in mutual exchange. Following the inaugural forum held in 2018, the event is being held again this year after the pandemic, now on a larger scale. A total of 37 master’s students in sculpture from numerous schools in Taiwan, Japan, South Korea, Thailand, and Singapore are participating.
This year’s forum theme, ‘Arc of Thoughts,’ begins with the traditional sculptural thinking of ‘objects’ but further points to the trajectory of thought behind creation. It encourages artists to embody their thoughts through various methods, casting new possibilities for contemporary sculpture. The forum includes six sessions with the themes: ‘Material and Form,’ ‘Painterly and Tactile Imagery,’ ‘Body and Self-Image,’ ‘Fantasy and Embodiment,’ ‘Materiality, Action, and Concept,’ and ‘Cultural Imagery and Objects.’ Two panel discussions will bring together sculpture faculty from various institutions to provide commentary and feedback on the presentations.
As part of the 15th Shoebox Sculpture Exhibition series, this forum aims to promote exchange and dialogue in creative contexts. In addition to reviving international interactions interrupted by the pandemic in recent years, it provides young sculptors with opportunities for international exchange, laying a foundation for future artistic creation and research.